A man came to the church I was serving. He needed help on Christmas Eve. After giving him some food I asked him where he goes to church. He never goes. I told him he was welcome here. He said, “I know I need God; He’s the only one who will never turn His back on you.”
The man was
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United Methodist
On March 15 at the Lewis Creek Church (Indiana South), Pastor Dave Gates preached a sermon on being "born again."
On the way out the door Pastor Dave greeted Bucky, an 80-year-old man that had been attending his church. Pastor Dave said to him, "Will I see you in heaven, Bucky?" After pausing for
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Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Oct 8, 2009
Behind a church in the small town of Flint Hill, Virginia, you will find the grave of a young seminary student named Albert Gallatin Willis,
who died on October 14, 1864. Albert Willis’ story is unusual. Albert Willis served with the famed command of Mosby’s Raiders during the Civil War. Because
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Contributed by Jorge Acevedo on Feb 17, 2010
St. Augustine, one of the early church fathers (4th and 5th century) wrote,
“People travel and wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and they pass
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Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Mar 11, 2010
We were standing in line to go into Church. It was a long line and we had to wait for some time for the doors to be opened. Although the auditorium seated 1,500 people, some people would have to come to the next service or sit in a "bad seat". You had to get to Church early to get a "good seat" (3
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Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Jul 8, 2010
A pastor told of a woman in his church that had the spiritual gift of service and mercy. Over and over she was used in situations that brought great honor to the Lord. There was a woman in the community with eight children. The terrible news came to this mother that her husband had been killed
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Contributed by Kelly Benton on Mar 15, 2012
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The Curious just shows up to church but doesnt try to get involved in the church. They show up physically but are absent spiritually. These types of people are much like the employee that comes to work to only punch the time card but are totally non-dedicated to the job. They expect to recieve
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Contributed by Charles Wallis on Nov 17, 2008
Mount Hope Church in Lansing, MI, was attacked on November 9, 2008, by homosexual activitist who disrupted the service with unmentionable actions. It is a sad fact that our world has come to this, but the world is coming to the church. The question is, will they hear the gospel
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 16, 2008
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A.D. 110. Ignatius, overseer of the church in Antioch, was arrested and sent to Rome for preaching Christ. Facing martyrdom, he wrote this to the church at Rome.
"Now I begin to be a disciple. I care for nothing of visible or invisible things so that I may but win Christ. Let fire and the cross,
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Contributed by Bruce Howell on Jan 22, 2009
A pious church member, who thought himself to be a great Christian, visited the junior department of the Sunday school. The Superintendent asked him to say a few word to the boys and girls. He stood pompously before them and asked, "Why do you think people call me a Christian?" There was an
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The church at this point has a few options at its disposal to confront this injustice (Idea here pulled from Jim Cymbala’s book “Fresh Power “ pg. 88,89).
a. They could start a demonstration – they could march on Washington and protest because there are 5,000plus in the church at this point in
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Contributed by Donnie Martin on Feb 9, 2009
Years ago I was the Associate Pastor of a church in Camden, Arkansas. Shirley and I were asked to go to Triple S Bible Camp with the young people of the church. The preachers asked to preach to the teens and youth workers were very abusive in their approach. One preacher referred to women who wore
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Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 9, 2009
"The United Methodist Church has helped over 59,000 people who were affected by Hurricane Katrina. Over 45,692 volunteers (3320 teams) volunteers from around the world have served in our disaster recovery ministry. That’s a donation value of $40,468,015. What we have found is that we are not just
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