Here are 5 facts about storms of life that we need to remember:
1. Storms are INEVITABLE (John 16:33).
2. Storms are UNPREDICTABLE. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring. (James 4:14).
3. Storms are IMPARTIAL. It rains on the unjust and not just the "just"! (Matthew 5:45).
4. Storms more
"And when the great calm followed the storm, He was able to look at the astonished disciples, smile, and say, "I meant for that to happen!“
• A pastor was telling about how he was at his church building late one night when a terrible rain storm struck. This particular church had more
Contributed by Chris Smith on Jul 21, 2001
based on 89 ratings
Engineers tell us that the only way that metal can safely be used is after testing it. And it must exceed the testing requirements. Repeatedly. The metal to be used must be pure. And in order for it to be purified, it must go through fire. It must be melted, and molded to fit the designers more
Contributed by Jeff Simms on Jul 15, 2003
based on 2 ratings
Engineers tell us that the only way that metal can safely be used is after
testing it. And it must exceed the testing requirements. Repeatedly. The
metal to be used must be pure. And in order for it to be purified, it must go
through fire. It must be melted, and molded to fit the designers more
Contributed by Mark Hiehle on Jul 19, 2001
based on 41 ratings
At the elementary school where our kids have attended, they each have had to take timed math tests on their math facts. Each week they had to answer correctly 30 questions in 3 minutes. If they were unable, they had to take the test again the next day until they could pass. For those that more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 3, 2008
In my files I have a story about a man who was attending a Youth Ministry class at Hannibal-LaGrange College in Missouri. He said:
When I got to class, everybody was doing their last minute studying. The teacher came in and said he would review with us for just a little bit before the test. We more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 8, 2008
In my files I have a story about a man who was attending a Youth Ministry class at Hannibal-LaGrange College in Missouri. He said:
When I got to class, everybody was doing their last minute studying. The teacher came in and said he would review with us for just a little bit before the test. We more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 19, 2003
A university English professor was new to the campus. He heard some students discussing a final test that was coming up. The students had a copy of the test in one of their sciences class. They were laughing because the science professor in this class used the same test every year that he had more
Contributed by Mark Eberly on Sep 10, 2009
A young boy was called to the principle’s office. Waiting for him was his teacher. “Son, you are in big trouble. You cheated on this reading test and we have to punish. Cheating will not be tolerated,” said the principle. The boy was being a very good steward.
“Nuh uhh. I didn’t cheat,” replied the more
Church Of God
A person's mental attitude has an almost unbelievable effect on his powers, both physical ad psychological. The British psychiatrist, J.A. Hadfield, gives a striking illustration of this fact in his booklet, The Psychology of Power.
"I asked three people," he wrote, "to more