Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jul 1, 2007
The web-slinging superhero has gone and done it again! Spiderman 3 opened on May 6, 2007 and on opening night grossed in excess of a staggering M$151 US – and climbing! This movie was different from Spider 1 and 2 in that Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spiderman, was forced to deal with what the overview more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Gary Maskell on Aug 18, 2006
based on 2 ratings
A short while ago, comic-book creator, Stan Lee and company created a 6-week reality-based television series entitled, "Who Wants to be a Superhero?"
As a part of their initial search, they sent out nationwide notices stating that they were looking for folks who have never lost that inner drive to more
Contributed by Timothy Smith on Sep 27, 2002
based on 16 ratings
Bob Russell who preaches in Louisville was raised on a farm in Pennsylvania and he tells the story of his first youth minister who was a city-boy. Now his youth group was made up mostly of kids from the farm so they didn’t think they would have much in common with this city slicker and so weren’t more
Christian Church
Contributed by James Chandler on Feb 1, 2007
It is not the preacher that should get glory. It is the God of the message.
A basketball costs anywhere from $5 - $50.
But what is the worth of a basketball signed by Michael Jordan?
A sleeve of golf balls cost around $10.
But what is the worth of a golf ball hit by Tiger Woods?
A football can more
Christian/Church Of Christ
based on 2 ratings
A few years ago, the “in-thing” for the 6 year-old set was a group of teenage super-heroes called the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. They were an unlikely hit- originally produced with a very low budget in Japan, then badly dubbed into English. But their appeal was that- while ordinary teenagers by more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Art Good on Nov 6, 2008
Ken Hannah snowboards off cliffs, flies 40 feet straight up on a bicycle, and jumps out of airplanes on a snowboard. Someone once asked him how he learned to do all those incredible things.
He answered, "I'm an extreme person. When I was 6 years old I rode my bike down a flight of stairs. At 7 more
Contributed by Andrew Chan on May 9, 2002
based on 44 ratings
Our moms are a lot like “Spiderman”. Already that new movie is touted as no. 1 movie for this summer on CNN, beating out “Star Wars Episode 2.” According to CNN, “Of all the superheroes, Spider-Man has always been a little more human than the rest. He doesn’t fly; he swings. … Even when it comes more
Evangelical Free
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jan 4, 2008
based on 1 rating
I am drawn to realize that I must make room and give careful attention to the witness of the Scriptures. It is my attention to the Scriptures as the challenged, but undefeated Word of God that I will overcome the flood of doubts and opposition to my faith that will come in 2008. I need an anchor more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Dec 22, 2009
The only thing about Christmas that bothers me is that people see Jesus as a baby, meek and mild but they don’t see Him for all that He really is.
It always used to bother me that I was called a gentle man. I longed to be seen as strong and courageous and visionary, but people mainly see me as more
Contributed by Scott Epperson on Nov 4, 2006
based on 3 ratings
My Short lived Hero Career. I grew up in a little town, and there was not always enough excitement near by, so sometimes I would have to find it. One night I decided that our town needed a superhero, and there was no one better qualified for the job as me.
I gathered together all my super hero more