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In Sermon Illustrations: "Sun Of Righteousness"

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  • The Miracle In A Bug  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 25, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    THE MIRACLE IN A BUG Shortly before his death, the legendary film producer Cecil B DeMille wrote this beautiful meditation: "One day as I was lying in a canoe, a big black beetle came out of the water and climbed up into the canoe. I watched it idly for some time. Under the heat of the sun, the more

  • A Light In The Dark

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jul 8, 2022

    While leaving in Germany, I had the fortune of going camping in the black forest. I found out quickly why they call it the black forest. When the sun goes down it is pitch black and you can barely see your hand in front of your face. We had just finished setting up camp and I had to run back out more

  • In 1972, Nasa Launched The Exploratory Space ...  PRO

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Jan 28, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    · In 1972, NASA launched the exploratory space probe Pioneer 10. The satellite’s primary mission was to reach Jupiter, photograph it and its moons, and beam data it collected about this giant planet back to earth. Scientists regarded this as a bold plan, because up until then no satellites had more

  • Is There Really A God??  PRO

    Contributed by Paul Weimeschkirch on Aug 15, 2005
    based on 23 ratings

    Is There Really A God?? 93 million miles from the blistering surface of the sun hangs the planet earth. A rotating sphere perfectly suspended in the center of the universe. The ultimate creation from an infinite mind. An unbelievable intricate complex design. A supernatural testimony, an more

  • French Writer Alexis De Tocqueville, After ...  PRO

    Contributed by Mark Hensley on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 139 ratings

    : French writer Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting America in 1831, said, "I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests--and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, more

  • French Writer Alexis De Tocqueville, After ...  PRO

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Jun 29, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    French writer Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting America in 1831, said, “I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests—and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her more

  • One Lady Wrote In To A Question And Answer Forum. ...  PRO

    Contributed by Royce Hendry on Mar 29, 2001
    based on 189 ratings

    one lady wrote in to a question and answer forum. "Dear Sirs, Our preacher said on Easter, that Jesus just swooned on the cross and that the disciples nursed Him back to health. What do you think? Sincerely, Bewildered. Dear Bewildered, Beat your preacher with a cat-of-nine-tails with 39 heavy more

  • Sweeping Across Germany At The End Of Word War ...

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on May 21, 2002

    Sweeping across Germany at the end of Word War II, Allied forces searched farms and houses looking for snipers. At one abandoned house, almost a heap of rubble, searchers with flashlights found their way to the basement. There, on the crumbling wall, a victim of the Holocaust had scratched a Star more

  • A Little Boy Was Asked, "What Is A Saint?" He ...  PRO

    Contributed by Curtis Kittrell on Aug 20, 2003
    based on 12 ratings

    A little boy was asked, "What is a saint?" He replied, "A saint is a person who lets the light shine through." Evidently he got this idea by watching the sun shine through the prophets and other great people of God in the stained-glass windows of his church. But he was certainly not far off base. A more

  • One Lady Wrote In To A Question And Answer ...  PRO

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Mar 30, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    One lady wrote in to a question and answer forum. "Dear Sirs, Our preacher said on Easter, that Jesus just swooned on the cross and that the disciples nursed Him back to health. What do you think? Sincerely, Bewildered. Dear Bewildered, Beat your preacher with a cat-of-nine-tails with 39 more

  • D. An Old Violin Player Explained Why His ...  PRO

    Contributed by Charles R. Swindoll on Nov 1, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    d. An old violin player explained why his violin had such quality. It was made from a certain kind of European tree, but not all of these trees would do. "The trees in the forest, sheltered by their neighbors, will not do," he said. "Fine violins come from lonely trees that grows on the more

  • Grandma's Game

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 11, 2008

    GRANDMA'S GAME Eight-year-old Ann Johnson wrote this poem which expresses the influence of millions of grandparents on their grandchildren: My grandma likes to play with God, They have a kind of game. She plants the garden full of seeds, He sends the sun and rain. She likes to sit and talk with more

  • The Process Of Sanctification Can Be Compared To ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    The process of sanctification can be compared to an iceberg, which is almost 90% under water. As the sun shines on the iceberg, the exposed part melts, moving the lower part upward. In the same way, we are usually aware of only a small part of our sinfulness and need, which is all we can deal with more

  • Do It Again

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jun 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    DO IT AGAIN G. K. Chesterton wrote: "Because children have abounding vitality, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged... They always say, 'Do it again,' and the grown-up does it again until he is nearly dead... But perhaps God says every morning, 'Do it again' to the sun; and every more

  • Survival: What Would You Take?  PRO

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jan 4, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    SURVIVAL: WHAT WOULD YOU TAKE? About 20 years ago I went on a training conference when I was working as a Patent Attorney for a Swiss multinational company called Sandoz. And one of the conundrums they set us to test our ingenuity was this: You are in a plane flying over the desert and as you are more

  • Martin Niemoeller Experienced It. One Of Hitler's ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 29, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Martin Niemoeller experienced it. One of Hitler’s least favorite people, Rev. Niemoeller was placed in prison and summoned to a special court. He was suddenly afraid. He had no idea what to expect! But according to Francis Gay, as he was taken along the seemingly endless corridor to the courtroom, more

  • French Writer Alexis De Tocqueville, After ...

    Contributed by Steve Rutherford on Sep 13, 2005

    French writer Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting America in 1831, said, "I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests--and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her more

  • French Writer Alexis De Tocqueville, After ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2006

    French writer Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting America in 1831, said, "I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests--and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her more

  • French Writer Alexis De Tocqueville, After ...  PRO

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Oct 19, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    French writer Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting America in 1831, said, "I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests--and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her more

  • William Penn Actually Wrote A Prayer For ...

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 5, 2007

    William Penn actually wrote a prayer for Philadelphia which today still hangs in Philadelphia’s City Hall: i. An thou, Philadelphia, the Virgin settlement of this province named before thou wert born, what love, what care. What service and what traveil have there been to bring thee forth and more

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