Contributed by Jim Kane on Jan 7, 2008
A few weeks ago, I shared some questions that Gordon MacDonald believes are being asked by people at different stages of life. Now not only did those questions really interest me and cause me to think about the questions that I am asking at this point in my life, the story that MacDonald opened the more
Church Of God
based on 1 rating
Bob James of Paint Rock, Texas, shares this story in Leadership, Vol.7, no.4: “Recently I laid a small circle of poison around a hill of stinging ants. Thinking the tiny granules of poison were food, the ants began to pick them up and carry them throughout the colony. I returned later to see how more
Contributed by Noel Atkinson on Mar 3, 2008
Sharing our faith is full-time employment…. So many think that it’s a Sunday morning, 9:30-2:00 job and maybe an hour or two on Wednesday nights… But the Bible lets us know “that Satan the adversary is roaming to and fro as a lion seeking whom he may devour…” And if you know anything about lions, more
Contributed by Mark Eberly on Apr 1, 2008
There have been many failures, but let me share with you a recent success. A few weeks ago, I had the distinct impression that I needed to call LaVanice. It wasn't something I felt God wanted me to do but something that I needed to do. The feeling persisted for a couple of days until I knew today more
Church Of God
John Hull in his book "Pivotal Prayer" shares a story about a man who brought revival to a sinking ship:
A widowed Scottish minister named John Harper and his six-year-old daughter were on board the Titanic the tragic night it sank. When the ship began to sink, Harper, traveling second class, more
Contributed by Mark Eberly on Jun 30, 2008
Let me share some examples. On my trip to Ireland, we visited Northern Ireland including a city called Londenderry. This was something because of the violence that tours would not have done ten years ago. The name of the town is significant because it became a symbol of people being marginalized. more
Church Of God
Contributed by Paul Dietz on Sep 13, 2008
The song I have chosen to share with you today should be fairly well known, especially to those who have spent a part of their life either in scouting or church related organizations as a child. Some may recall this little jingle from their school days. So, here it is:
Make new friends,
But keep more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 12, 2008
based on 2 ratings
We must share the Gospel: Dr. Martin Neimoller was an outstanding German pastor during the time of Adolf Hitler's reign. Neimoller was sent to prison for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Before being sent to prison Neimoller had a 30 minute visit with Adolf Hitler. Hitler tried to persuade more
Contributed by Paul Carlson on Feb 16, 2009
Some of you know Helen Schaaf. I shared with the church her current physical struggles a few weeks ago. She had debilitating back pain that was making walking excruciatingly painful; finally, her doctor diagnosed a treatment for her. She had an injection in her spine so that she could walk more
Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Dec 24, 2009
Howard Hendricks once shared how he challenged a class of seminary students to each write down the names of 2-3 people whom, in their judgment, would never come to faith in Christ. Then they covenanted together to pray every day for those individuals. At the end of the semester 36 of those people more
Blackaby shares from his book “The Power of the Call” pages 10-14 on a clear picture of what one looks like who is called by God into pastoral ministry:
i. The pastor is chosen
ii. He is chosen by God
iii. He is chosen by God to be His servant
iv. He is chosen by God to shepherd His people
v. He more
Contributed by Kent Mishleau on Apr 5, 2010
I would like to share a short story with you about a young man who was to write a PhD dissertation about the Navajo Indians. He was from Indiana and had never met or seen one of these and so knew little to nothing about them. So it was decided that he would go to live with a family of the Navajo on more
Seventh-Day Adventist
Contributed by Kent Mishleau on Apr 5, 2010
I would like to share with you something that I have been learning. It is a bit of an imagination bible story game. We pick a face part such as nose eyes ears and mouth. Lest say nose. We close our eyes and imagine a bible story. Let’s think about Esther as she has Haman and the King for a meal. more
Seventh-Day Adventist
I want to close by sharing something Gary Gunn told us about at our last Men’s Prayer Breakfast. Several years back, Steven, a young man with AIDS started attending our church. (This was back in the time when AIDS was scary to most people and we didn’t know a lot about it.) The sickness slowly more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Sep 28, 2010
Alex Haley, in his book, Roots, shared the story of an old slave who one day drove his master to a great ball at an adjoining plantation. As the slave sat quietly in the buggy waiting for his master to return, he became aware not only of the sounds coming from the big house, but of strange music more