Sermon Illustrations

I want to close by sharing something Gary Gunn told us about at our last Men’s Prayer Breakfast. Several years back, Steven, a young man with AIDS started attending our church. (This was back in the time when AIDS was scary to most people and we didn’t know a lot about it.) The sickness slowly took its toll on the young man, but every time Steven came to church, the folks here reached out to him with love and acceptance.

Gary said eventually, Steven became too sick to leave home. One day he called Gary to come over, and when Gary came, Steven insisted,” I have to go to church Sunday.” Gary and his dad tried to convince him that he was too sick to get out, but he just kept insisting, “No, I want to go to church.”

Well, sure enough Steven wasn’t able to get here. In fact, that was his last Sunday here on earth. But the point is that he desperately WANTED to come … because this was a place where he felt loved and accepted.

No one at Castle Hills Christian Church did anything really BIG or spectacular for that young man. But every Sunday people greeted him, smiled at him, talked to him and gave him hugs. All those little bitty acts of acceptance and love added up to convince that young man that God loved him.

What if we ALL made a point of doing small acts of service … not just on Sunday … but at every opportunity? What difference could the little congregation of CHCC make in the BIG city of San Antonio? Do you believe that God can use our small acts of ministry to build His Kingdom?

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