Let me illustrate with the words that Mark Buchanan wrote of his own experience in his book entitled “Your God Is Too Safe.” He wrote that when he was saved, “I hit the ground running. Immediately, I volunteered for everything, anything, that I felt vaguely interested in and marginally qualified
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Contributed by Fred Sigle on Jun 7, 2007
Back in the early 1980’s, a young man was found GUILTY of ROBBING a CONVENIENCE store. He told the COURT that he had LOST his JOB months before and had been unable to MAKE enough MONEY working at ODD JOBS to SUPPORT his FAMILY and PAY his BILLS. “I know it was WRONG to ROB the STORE,” he pleaded.
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Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
based on 3 ratings
Helen Roseveare is a British medical doctor who worked for many years as a missionary in Zaire. During the revolution of the 1960s, she often faced brutal beatings and other forms of physical torture. On one occasion, when she was about to be executed, she feared God had forsaken her.
In that
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We should also note that single mothers are quite often in that position by no choice of their own, due to death, divorce or desertion. Some single mothers do a wonderful job of raising children to know and to serve the Lord. For example, “John M. Webb was born to Dr. Alfred Pellar Webb and Ida
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Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jul 22, 2007
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Seeking to know God better, John Chrysostom became a hermit in the mountains near Antioch in A.D. 373. Although his time of isolation was cut short by illness, he learned that with God at his side, he could attend alone against anyone or anything.
That lesson served
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Contributed by Curt Cizek on Sep 15, 2007
I can’t remember where I got this illustration from but I love it:
Behind a church in the small town of Flint Hill, Virginia, you will find the grave of a young seminary student named Albert Gallatin Willis who died on October 14, 1864. Albert Willis’ story is unusual. Albert Willis served with the
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Contributed by Keith Broyles on Oct 4, 2007
There is a man who keeps on his desk a fairly large stone on which is lettered one word: FIRST. Acting as a constant reminder of Jesus’ words, “He that is without sin… let him cast the first stone,” it helps check within him the automatic desire to be hasty in condemning others. As he daily
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Contributed by Daniel Owens on Jan 8, 2008
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Charles McCarry has lived an interesting life.
In addition to being the author of The Tears of Autumn and The Last Supper,
He served as Assistant to the Secretary of Labor in the Eisenhower cabinet, as well as, worked for the CIA.
However, Charles McCarry almost wasn’t born . . . He explained it
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Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Mar 26, 2008
When I was 14 months old he had a medical ailment, which could have been fatal in the 1960s. The surgeons thought I had no hope and my parents gave him up for dead. They promised God that if I lived, I would minister unto the Lord all the days of his life. The churches all over Delhi prayed for my
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I believe that the Church in America is suffering because too many of us are not growing. We are not allowing God to speak to our lives. We are holding onto sin and attitudes that are not biblical, and we go to church every week, we hear a good message and we go home!!
Listen up church - I have
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Contributed by Brian Harvison on May 29, 2008
"Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators Pontius
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Illustration “Rights and responsibility”
In America we have the Statue of Liberty on the East coast but I often thought we need to have a Statue of Responsibility on the West coast to balance everything out here in America.
The Statue of Liberty in New York is known for its meaning of freedom and
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Contributed by Art Good on Nov 6, 2008
Ken Hannah snowboards off cliffs, flies 40 feet straight up on a bicycle, and jumps out of airplanes on a snowboard. Someone once asked him how he learned to do all those incredible things.
He answered, "I'm an extreme person. When I was 6 years old I rode my bike down a flight of stairs. At 7
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Years back, a minister friend of mine made this comment in a Preacher’s Meeting. He said, "I’m sure you all know by now that none of us can afford the luxury of having friends in the churches we serve. We must remain aloof in order to protect ourselves from all kinds of
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Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Anne Benefield on Mar 5, 2009
Fasting is getting more attention these days. In a special issue of Time Magazine on "How Faith Can Heal" Jeffrey Kluger writes:
"Faith and health overlap in other ways too. Take fasting. One of the staples of both traditional wellness protocols and traditional religious rituals is the cleansing
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