One of the deepest forms of poverty a person can experience is
isolation. If we look closely at other kinds of poverty, including
material forms, we see that they are born from isolation, from not being
loved or from difficulties in being able to love. Poverty is often more
Every migrant is a human person who, as such, possesses fundamental, inalienable rights that must be respected more
Contributed by Guy De Swardt on Apr 1, 2010
John MacArthur says, “The meek person accepts joyfully the seizing of his property, knowing that he has infinitely better and more permanent possessions awaiting him in heaven. The meek person has died to self, and he therefore does not worry about injury to himself, or about loss, insult, or more
Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Apr 4, 2010
A young woman is being abused by the person she is living with. She feels powerless and no longer in control of her life. Oh, she has not been physically assaulted, nevertheless she feels hurt, scared and humiliated. She is being threatened and bullied and harassed. She is constantly put-down and more
Contributed by Donnie Martin on May 10, 2010
Radio personality Paul Harvey tells the story of how an Eskimo kills a wolf. The account is grisly, yet it offers fresh insight into the consuming, self-destructive nature of sin.
“First, the Eskimo coats his knife blade with animal blood and allows it to freeze. Then he adds another layer of more
Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 23, 2014
In 1879, Charlie Peace, a well-known criminal in London, faced execution by hanging. When he was marched to the gallows, a minister walked behind him. In keeping with custom, the minister read aloud this passage from a prayer book, "Those who die without Christ experience hell, which is the pain more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Richard Jones on Nov 3, 2000
based on 159 ratings
TV personality Hugh Downs tells a story about the problem lawyers and doctors often encounter with people who seek to obtain free professional advice at parties and other social events. It seems that a certain doctor and lawyer were having a conversation during a cocktail party. While they were more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 28, 2001
based on 127 ratings
The average person has more than two hundred negative thoughts a day-worries, jealousies, insecurities, cravings for forbidden things, etc. Depressed people have as many as six hundred. You can’t eliminate all the troublesome things that go through your mind, but you can more
Contributed by Tony Miano on May 21, 2001
based on 190 ratings
Author Mary Ann Bird shared this very personal story in The Whisper Test. She wrote, “I grew up knowing I was different, and I hated it. I was born with a cleft palate, and when I started school, my classmates made it clear to me how I looked to others: a little girl with a misshapen lip, crooked more
Contributed by Terry Barnhill on Sep 21, 2006
based on 2 ratings
It’s rather like a person from Brooklyn who’s read about farming and assumes he knows what it’s like. Or an accountant in Seattle who once watched a rodeo and figures he knows how to ride a Brahma bull. That’s just not how it works.
From our pain, we can learn of God’s mercy; and from our more
How does a person keep from getting distracted? How do we stay focused on being the person that God has called us to be?
When Julius Caesar landed on the shores of Britain with his Roman legions, he took a bold and decisive step to ensure the success of his military venture. Ordering his men to more
Disciples Of Christ
Contributed by John Shearhart on Dec 2, 2006
You can learn a lot about a person by listening to his or her last words. For example, it is reported that P. T. Barnum’s last words were “How were the receipts today at Madison Square Garden?” Supposedly writer Oscar Wilde said, “Either that wallpaper goes, or I do,” right before his passing. more