Contributed by Mark Eberly on Aug 29, 2007
based on 2 ratings
Remember the show, “To Tell the Truth?” There would be one person who did something strange or different perhaps for a living while two others would try to pretend to be that person. The object was to try and fool the panel of stars and the audience. Sometimes the person would be something strange more
Church Of God
Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 11, 2008
based on 4 ratings
Every Grandparent can testify that if someone would have just told them that grandchildren were so much fun, the choice would have been made to have them first!
She was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter as she'd done many times before. more
Contributed by Charles Wood on May 14, 2009
The image from our first reading, of God writing his law on our hearts, is very consoling and meant to encourage us.
The image of writing could call to mind one complication. That is, if we are honest with ourselves we all could probably admit that we may not always be the best medium for God to more
based on 4 ratings
Friends Forever. Wow those are some very powerful words when you put them together you know? I mean, think about what this phrase means: being a friend forever; always there no matter what. This popular phrase can be found in letters from one best friend to another, on the split necklaces when put more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 29, 2006
based on 3 ratings
Dear Heavenly Father,
I don’t’ know if you have any special place set aside for the small creatures in your future plans, but, I would like to ask a favor of you; that is, if you feel I’m worthy of entrance into your Kingdom.
I know that your eye is on the sparrow and that not one thing more