Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 20, 2007
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Adolescents regularly exposed to sex in media are more likely to have sex at ages 14 to 16 than those who have minimal exposure finds a Pediatrics study. White 12-14-year-olds exposed to sex through the media were 2.2 times more likely to participate in early sexual activity more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2008
Media Wary 57% of American parents are more concerned about their children’s overuse of media than smoking, drinking, sexual behavior, being overweight or developing eating disorders, finds a Common Sense Media poll. 68% think media influences the health and well-being of their kids with TV as more
Contributed by Jeremy Lane on May 15, 2010
One report states that kids are media multi-tasking 29% of the time
31% of kids say they multi-task while doing homework
8-18 year olds are exposed to 7 hours 38 minutes of media per day (with multi-tasking, turns into a total of 10 hours 45 minutes per day)
15-18 year olds spend 1 hour 51 more
Recently, the media reported on a well known Christian pastor, Ted Haggard, who allegedy committed the sin of homosexuality. It was hurtful to read this. It was only a few short years before this that I read one of his books, How to keep your City from going to Hell. I was motivated by it, but more
Free Methodist
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 14, 2007
Media Danger For Kids Just-released medical studies find constant exposure to media may be harmful to children. The studies link TV and video games to a host of modern youth ills, including obesity, sexual activity, consumerism, and antisocial behavior. The more TV 3rd-and-4th-graders watch, the more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 18, 2007
Media Danger For Kids Just-released medical studies find constant exposure to media may be harmful to children. The studies link TV and video games to a host of modern youth ills, including obesity, sexual activity, consumerism, and antisocial behavior. The more TV 3rd-and-4th-graders watch, the more