Simple as that God loves all, loves you, me and everyone we have ever met and seen, has no favourites hates none, excludes none all are precious and all have been given his greatest of gifts life and Jesus, all receive the former and have to chose to unpack the later to really receive the first more
Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Sep 11, 2017
based on 1 rating
When I was in Kindergarten, the teachers taught me the Alphabet. Obviously, before you can learn how to spell, you have to learn the alphabet. As you learn to spell words, you learn that the letters are written separate, so you lift your pencil up every time you write a letter.
Then, when I was more
And Jesus Loved Them All------
I saw a sea of faces in a dream I had one day
and millions stood before a throne
whose sins were washed away
from every tribe and every land
they all had heard the call
the rich, the poor, the black, the white
and Jesus loved them all.
He loved them with their many more
Assembly Of God
In all knowledge and in every act of love the human soul experiences something "over and above," which seems very much like a gift that we receive, or a height to which we are raised. The development of individuals and peoples is likewise located on a height, if we consider the spiritual dimension more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 11, 2007
based on 1 rating
"The fruit of the Spirit begins with is the first thing, the first in that precious cluster of fruit. Someone has said that all other eight can be put in terms of love. Joy is love exulting; peace is love in repose; long-suffering is love on trial; gentleness is love in society; more