A few days ago I was praying to God about a certain matter. I knew God was going to answer, but I was not sure how and when. On Tuesday as I was in the office working, I started to check things out, I found out that my prayer was already answered, and I did not even know. There in the office I
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Church Of God
Contributed by Samuel Wilder on Nov 10, 2008
"God summons us to seek our best creative selves. He calls us to become artists of life, seers of truth, creators of new possibilities, and innovative problem solvers. Perhaps by looking at Jesus' life and seeing His creative spirit at work, we can begin to awaken
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Contributed by Mark Eberly on Nov 26, 2008
If we are truly full of thanks for what God has done for us and we are truly grateful for the things that God has done which we could not have done for ourselves, then the result is a love for others and a desire to serve others. If our attitude is truly changed, then giving to others and meeting
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Church Of God
Contributed by Bob Gillchrest on Dec 1, 2008
Mary begins by telling God that she praises Him from the depths of her soul. I learned a long time ago, when I was minoring in music in college, that there are different ways that we can sing with our voices.
A person can sing in their throats. That’s not recommended because it tends to be a
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Contributed by Clark Tanner on Dec 4, 2008
Isn't it amazing that men can believe God powerful and able to do the astounding things recorded for us throughout Scripture, but will not attribute to Him the ability to bring forth life from a womb without the
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 28, 2008
Someone wrote: WHAT IS YOUR GOD? "Whatever you love most, serve most, seek out most, give to the most, worship the most, and care about the most is your god. Your “god†can be your career, your bank account, the way you look, a particular position or degree, influence, power, or physical
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Contributed by Tony Abram on Jan 30, 2009
God does not justify us because we are worthy, but by justifying us makes us
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God has already given us the answer to our question for tragedy – God lets bad stuff happen because He is good. Without the goodness of God there would not be any free choice for you and me. We would be like robots, serving God by His will alone, and not our choice. The fact that a good God, who
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United Methodist
Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Feb 11, 2009
In verse 2, God does something about Moses’ problem. God gives him a sign. God asks Moses about the familiar symbol of his profession—the rod. A rod is not only used for protection and for sorting the sheep, but it is a symbol of authority. So God orders Moses to throw the symbol of his personal
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If God has promised something to you through His Word, it will come to pass. Dr. John Walvoord served as president at Dallas Seminary for 34 years and was known as an authority on the area of Bible prophecy. He calculated after an exhaustive study of the Scriptures that half of the prophecies of
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Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 10, 2022
Genesis 7
Was Noah righteous because he never sinned? - See Hebrews 11:7
What were God’s instructions to Noah?
Go into the ark, you and your whole family
Take in the ark animals (what were they?)
“Clean” animals
“unclean” animals
How many days did God give Noah to bring in the animals? –
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A pastor bought a female parrot that became quite a problem. The only thing the parrot could say was, "Come on baby, let's kiss! Come on baby, let's kiss!" She was quite carnal.
The pastor wanted a more spiritually-minded parrot, so he looked around for help.
After much
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There are 10 key points about the Love of God in I John 4:7-21:
1. LOVE IS OF GOD (4:7) - not that God is love only. He is not limited or bound by anything.
So, what is love? Study I Corinthians 13...... There are 3 Greek words (agape, phileo, eros). This love is agape, unconditional,
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