  • Dillon Burroughs

    Contributing sermons since Mar 9, 2009
Dillon's church
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421

About Dillon
  • Education: DMin., Dallas Seminary (candidate)

    ThM., Dallas Seminary, 2002 (Theology/Pastoral Leadership).

    B.S., Indiana State University, 1998 (Communications).
  • Experience: Served in church and parachurch student ministry settings for over a decade, ranging from churches of under 100 to 2,500-plus.

    Frequently conduct media interviews on issues of faith and culture, youth issues, apologetics, and publishing, with over 200 interviews to date.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Servant of Christ Jesus
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Newest Sermons

  • The Call Of God

    Contributed on Jun 29, 2010

    Applications from the call of Moses for the lives of believers today. First presented to a church audience in Indiana.

    I. The Call (3:1-21) A. The situation B. The sacred voice B. The signs II. The Objections (4:1-17) A. What if they will not listen? B. I don't speak well. C. Please send someone else. III. The Obedience (4:18-31) A. Moving forward in response to God's call B. Partners for the more

  • Does Our Message Matter?

    Contributed on Jun 29, 2010

    An insightful look at the importance the resurrection of Christ means in our daily lives from 1 Corinthians 15. Presented to a chapel audience at Tennessee Temple University.

    I. The Message (v. 1-9) A. Christ’s death B. Christ’s burial C. Christ’s resurrection D. Christ’s appearances II. The Meaning (vv.10-13) A. God’s grace (vv. 10-11) B. Our future resurrection (vv. 12-13) III. The Implication: Without the resurrection, our faith is in vain (vv. 14-19) more

  • El Honor Deseado Por Dios

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    Una mirada a Lucas 9:57-62 y las características Dios desea de sus discípulos.

    El Honor Deseado por Dios Lucas 9:57-62 Dillon Burroughs TTU Honor Society 4.02.09 El Honor Deseado por Dios Incluye ... 1. Deseo: "Te seguiré adondequiera que vayas" (v. 57) 2. Sacrificio: "Los zorros tienen agujeros y las aves del cielo nidos, pero el Hijo del Hombre no tiene donde more

  • The Honor God Seeks

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at Luke 9:57-62 at the characteristics God desires of his followers.

    THE HONOR GOD SEEKS Luke 9:57-62 Dillon Burroughs TTU Honor Society 4.02.09 The Honor God Seeks Includes… 1. Desire: “I will follow You wherever You go” (v. 57) 2. Sacrifice: “The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head” (v. more

  • Encuentros Sobrenaturales

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Una discusión de la Biblia acerca del interés de nuestra cultura con lo sobrenatural. El mensaje es de Efesios 6:12. Original era para un público de tamaño medio iglesia congregación.

    Encuentros Sobrenaturales Dillon Burroughs Efesios 6:12 2.5.06 [Este sermón fue traducido del original en Inglés sermón.] ¿Ha notado la nueva América centrarse en lo sobrenatural? America’s incluyen opciones de entretenimiento ... películas como Underworld, El Sexto Sentido, El exorcismo more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • A Study Released This January From The Barna ...

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    A study released this January from the Barna organization revealed that 73% of today’s youth have been involved in some form of psychic or witchcraft related activity. The most popular of these activities includes playing with Ouija boards and the reading of witchcraft and Wicca related books. more

  • If God Has Promised Something To You Through His ...

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009

    If God has promised something to you through His Word, it will come to pass. Dr. John Walvoord served as president at Dallas Seminary for 34 years and was known as an authority on the area of Bible prophecy. He calculated after an exhaustive study of the Scriptures that half of the prophecies of more