Contributed by James O. Davis on Dec 5, 2001
based on 9 ratings
Robert Schuller’s Daughter lost a leg because of a horrible skying accident. She learned to walk all over again. After she returned home from the hospital, Schuller plucked a rose from his rose garden and began to play "He loves me and he loves me not" with his daughter. Schuller had planned to more
Assembly Of God
Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Nov 13, 2003
based on 23 ratings
There have been some people, who, the minute they were born, everyone knew that they were destined for greatness. In 1500 A.D. a baby boy was born that all expected great things from. His name was Charles, and his father was Duke Philip, the Duke of Burgundy, and Charles’ mother was Joanna, the more
Contributed by Chris Surber on Jan 19, 2010
Recently my family and I were traveling north on 251 to visit a local retail store. While we drove we noticed a huge plume of smoke in the air. As it turns out, we were not the only people in town who had gathered to witness the blaze at Crafter’s Village. Upon pulling into a nearby parking lot more
Christian Church
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 26, 2007
‘Love for God and ones neighbour constitutes the sum of Gods requirements for the Christian. The man who loves needs no counselling. Love cements relationships between God and man and man and man. While love attracts, fear repels. When love gives, lust grabs. What love builds, hatred destroys. With more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 12, 2007
based on 2 ratings
God is the source of love; Christ is the proof of love; Service is the expression of love; more
To be like God means that love translates into action. So, who do you know that needs love today? Maybe, it’s the alcoholic family member that can’t seem to get a grip on life. Maybe, it’s the co-worker that was just fired from the company. Could it be the son or daughter going through a rebellious more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Sep 17, 2008
The God we know and love is not to be portrayed as the Deists would have us believe. A 'god' who is supposed to have made the world much as a watchmaker might make a timepiece more
Contributed by Mike Leiter on Sep 2, 2003
based on 7 ratings
Love makes obedience a thing of joy!
To do the will of one we like to please
Is never hardship, though it tax our strength;
Each privilege of service love will seize!
Love makes us loyal, glad to do or go,
And eager to defend a name or cause;
Love takes the drudgery from common work,
And asks more