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In Sermon Illustrations: "God Delivers Us"

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  • Keeping Company With God  PRO

    Contributed by Austin Mansfield on Jul 31, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    Philip Yancey writes in his book, Prayer, that “… Keeping company with God also includes expressing the times of trial and frustration. In Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye keeps up a running dialogue with God, giving credit for the good things but also lamenting all that goes wrong. In one scene he more

  • God Can Be Trusted  PRO

    Contributed by Mark Bauer on Aug 1, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    God can be trusted. Our prayers will not go unheeded. It’s like a little girl who crawled up into her father’s lap while was reading the newspaper. She told him how much she wanted him to build her a doll house. She didn’t climb down till her daddy had promised to do just that, although more

  • Be Rich Toward God  PRO

    Contributed by Mark Bauer on Aug 1, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    Be rich toward God. Grandparents are often accused of spoiling the grandchildren Why? The children see grandpa sitting on the floor playing with his toddler grandchildren. The son or daughter is shocked and jealous: "Dad, I’m surprised. You never got down on the floor and played with more

  • That's Not My God

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Aug 27, 2007

    THAT’S NOT MY GOD Years ago I lead this bible study for a group of men, it was a great to study with these guys. We had this one guy who every time he saw something in a passage that did not correspond to his philosophy of life he would say, “That’s not my god, he would never do that, my god would more

  • God Came Near

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Dec 14, 2007

    QUOTE –GOD CAME NEAR: “They were too busy. The day was upon them. The day’s bread had to be made. The morning’s chores had to be done. There was too much to do to imagine that the impossible had occurred. God had entered the world as a baby. Yet, were someone to chance upon the sheep stable on the more

  • God Is My Corner

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Feb 13, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    From George Foremans book -God is my corner “Ultimately your belief in God will meet resistance, which forces you to either shut up or speak up.” After giving his testimony at Robert Schuller’s church, the Crystal Cathedral, he panicked when he discovered it would be broadcast nationwide. more

  • A View Of God's Glory

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Apr 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    QUOTE: Charles Spurgeon, A View of God’s Glory. “Now, what attribute is God about to show to Moses? His petition is, “Show me thy glory.” Will God show him his justice? His holiness? His wrath? His power? No. Hear the still small voice – “I will make all my goodness pass before you.” Ah! more

  • God Is Not Just Love

    Contributed by Brian Harvison on Apr 7, 2008

    It is true God is Love. But God is also jealous I found 18 different occurrences where God is called Jealous, or the scripture refers to His Jealousy. Exodus 34:14 even says His name is Jealous; For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: God is more

  • If I Were God

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Apr 12, 2008

    IF I WERE GOD If I were God….How many times have you heard people say that? “If I were God I would have everyone love everyone else, eliminate war, eliminate poverty and win the lottery.” Yeh, that’s just what we need, some thirty five year old running the universe. Have you ever thought that? more

  • God Lights The Way

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 22, 2008

    GOD LIGHTS THE WAY My brother-in-law has a friend named Pedro. The first time Pedro ever read the Bible, was when he was in prison. But once he "saw the light," he couldn't get enough of it. He read the entire Bible through in a matter of weeks. He would hold the Bible kind-of under the table more

  • The Word Of God Is A Treasure ...

    Contributed by Mark Roper on Jun 1, 2008

    The Word of God is a treasure Map Their was a wonderful movie from 1963 “It’s a Mad Mad world” It was about a madcap cross-country rush to find buried treasure marked by the letter “W”. It was four palm trees leaning that resemble the W. At the W the treasure was found. We have a more

  • God's Great Love

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Jul 21, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    GOD'S GREAT LOVE One time a father wanted to teach his son the lesson of God's great goodness. He took him to the top of a high hill and pointed northward over Scotland, southward over England, eastward over the ocean, westward over hill and valley, and then sweeping his arm around the whole more

  • God In Real Life

    Contributed by Jerry Blaxton on Aug 3, 2008

    GOD IN REAL LIFE There is this Christian comedian who was sharing his testimony. He came to a point in his life when he was drinking, doing some drugs, had some money issues, his relationship with his wife was falling apart, and he said that he had even beat his small child for crying. When all more

  • God's Promise To Christ

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Aug 11, 2008

    God's Promise to Christ There are many truths to grasp in Isaiah 53. A truth worth grasping today is found in Isaiah 53:10, "But the Lord was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief. If He would render Himself as a guilt offering. He will see His offspring, He will prolong His Days, and the more

  • Walking In The Confidence Of God  PRO

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Aug 11, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    Walking in the Confidence of God "Personal God" Christians can walk in confidence because the Lord is a personal God: Psalm 147:11 says, "the LORD delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love." Song of Solomon 7:10 presents a wonderful truth in regard to our more

  • Love God, Love ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 11, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE James Moore tells about a man named George. George was a peacemaker with a big heart and wonderful sense of humor. Everyone loved George at church, and he was respected at the hospital where he worked. The reason why so many people loved George was because he was always kind more

  • God Will Catch You

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Aug 27, 2008

    God Will Catch You When my girls were little munchkins, they often caught me off guard as they climbed up on the table or on the slide and after jumping off would shout, "Daddy, catch me!" I could have been ten feet away and would lunge toward them to catch them before they hit the ground. They more

  • Let's Be Like God

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Nov 30, 2008

    LET'S BE LIKE GOD There’s a fable of a couple living in poor circumstances who were given the opportunity to make four wishes, guaranteed to come true. They could ask for whatever they wanted and they would have them! It seemed too good to be true. They were rather modest at first and asked for more

  • God Is Looking For People With ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 16, 2008

    GOD IS LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WITH CONVICITON DEF: an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence In the events of the bridge collapse here in Minneapolis this past week, you have probably heard of countless examples of people acting with conviction. • Ed Nelson M.P.D. - when more

  • Be Successful—serve God

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 27, 2008

    BE SUCCESSFUL--SERVE GOD Our commitment in the service of Lord in very important in building the body of Christ. And I challenge you to commit your life in the ministry: Confidently, wholeheartedly and absolutely for the glory of God. In Yorkshire, England, during the early 1800s, two sons were more

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