Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 18, 2006
based on 6 ratings
Maybe you heard about the fellow who was told by his physician, “Yes indeed, you do have rabies.” Upon hearing this, the patient immediately pulled out a pad and pencil and began to write.
Thinking the man was making out his will, the doctor said, “Listen, this doesn’t mean you’re going to die. more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2006
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Last year I compiled the Index of Leading Cultural Indicators, a statistical portrait of American behavioral trends of the past three decades. Among the findings: Since 1960, while the gross domestic product has nearly tripled, violent crime has increased at least 560%. Divorces have more than more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2006
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Visiting a village school one day, King Oscar II of Sweden asked the pupils to name the greatest kings of Sweden. The answers were unanimous: Gustavus Vasa, Gustavus Adolphus, Charles X. Then the teacher leaned over to one little boy and whispered something in his ear. "And King Oscar," volunteered more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2006
based on 2 ratings
A poor old widow, living in the Scottish Highlands, was called upon one day by a gentleman who had heard that she was in need. The old lady complained of her condition, and remarked that her son was in Australia and doing well. "But does he do nothing to help you?" inquired the visitor. "No, more
Contributed by Darryl Bell on Apr 17, 2006
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We often don’t realize the impact of our acts of love in Jesus’ name. In 1994 our church sold Christmas trees in the parking lot. After Christmas there were a lot of trees left. The grower had parked his big trailer on the lot one night intending to load out the trees in the next few days. Then, on more