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In Sermon Illustrations: "Fallenness"

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  • Churchill Weeps  PRO

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Mar 30, 2001
    based on 83 ratings

    Illus.: ¡§Churchill Weeps¡¨ During WWII, Winston Churchill was in conference with officials in Downing Street when an air raid occurred. They heard a bomb drop and explode nearby. It had clearly fallen in one of the poorer sections of London. At once, Churchill ordered his car to take him to more

  • Some Of You Might Know Of Joseph Scriven. He Was ...  PRO

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Sep 3, 2001
    based on 100 ratings

    Some of you might know of Joseph Scriven. He was a brilliant young man engaged to a beautiful lady. On the night before the wedding, his fiancé was pulled from a pond where she had accidentally fallen and drowned. He never overcame the shock, and in the sadness of the latter portion of his life, he more

  • Louis Talbot Tells A Story About Being In India ...

    Contributed by Roy Carter on Dec 5, 2005

    Louis Talbot tells a story about being in India where a lion and a tiger had both fallen into a pit. Of course everyone was gathered around to see if these two foes would do battle and which one would win. And Talbot says that they each circle around for awhile snarling and hissing and feigning more

  • The Story Is Told Of Soldier In The Time Of ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 26, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    The story is told of soldier in the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. He was looking at his pocketbook where he had written all his debts. In exasperation he wrote, “Who will pay my debts.” Napoleon was passing during the night checking on his soldiers. He saw within the tent of this soldier, and he had more

  • During The Siege Of Plevna, The Czar, While ...

    Contributed by Stephen Wright on Oct 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    During the siege of Plevna, the Czar, while going around the camp one evening, found a man who had fallen asleep while writing a letter to his wife. This officer had told of his hard work and exposure in the trenches, but said that these were nothing compared to his debts. "Who will pay my debts?" more

  • What Good Are You?

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jan 12, 2009

    "WHAT GOOD ARE YOU?" Hideyoshi, a Japanese warlord who ruled over Japan in the late 1500s, commissioned a colossal statue of Buddha for a shrine in Kyoto. It took 50,000 men five years to build, but the work had scarcely been completed when the earthquake of 1596 brought the roof of the shrine more

  • Object Lesson: The Mop Head

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Apr 13, 2009

    OBJECT LESSON: THE MOP HEAD I have here a mop head that I recently replaced at the Upper Room. This has been used to mop urine. I know, because I mopped up when this guy urinated all over himself, the couch he was sitting on, and the floor while he was asleep. It has mopped up the filth that was more

  • In A Book Called "The Decline And Fall Of The ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 2, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    In a book called “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” a Roman Emporer is quoted: --I have now reigned above 50 years in victory or peace, beloved by my subjects, dreaded by my enemies, and respected by my allies. Riches and honors, power and pleasure, have waited on my call, nor does any more

  • Completeness In God

    Contributed by Victor Yap on May 1, 2002

    COMPLETENESS IN GOD Ray Stedman said: God is absolutely necessary for the completeness of life. Without God you cannot understand the world around you. You can’t understand yourself or your neighbor or God himself. You will never have any answers without God, but if you have fallen away or more

  • Marriage- Gallup Poll Reports 35% Of Americans ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 20, 2007

    Marriage- Gallup Poll reports 35% of Americans 40-64 believe marriage is “very important” if a couple have a child vs. 58% of those 65 and older. Overall, 37% of adults believe a child is a “very important” reason to marry, while 65% say marriage is “very important” if a couple plans to spend their more

  • Recently A Photograph Of Two Sculptors ...

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Dec 2, 2007

    Recently a photograph of two sculptors decorating a new post office in a suburb of Cologne, West Germany, appeared in our daily newspaper. Two giant hands, each two meters long, seem to be grasping for each other but in vain. One hand, the higher hand, juts right out of the side of the building more

  • Phillip Keller Writes Of His Experience Of ...

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Mar 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Phillip Keller writes of his experience of shepherding: "This reminds me of my encounter with cougars. On several occasions these cunning creatures came in among sheep, creating great havoc in the flock. Some were killed, their blood drained and livers eaten. Others were torn open and badly more

  • I Met A Young Girl Who Was Brought Up In The ...

    Contributed by Ramon Canals on Jun 5, 2009

    I met a young girl who was brought up in the church, had all the advantages of christian home, loving father and mother. But she wanted to experiment the world. She wanted to have more freedom than what her parents were giving her and so she came to NY and as she tried to board the subway somebody more

  • Too Close To Where We Got In

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Sep 21, 2010

    TOO CLOSE TO WHERE WE GOT IN A little boy fell out of the bed in his sleep. His father picked him up and put him back in bed. He asked him, "Son, what happened?" The little boy responded, "I fell asleep too close to where I got in." I believe that describes too many Christians today. They have more

  • A Pastor Tells Of A Mission Tour To The Far East. ...  PRO

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 3, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    A pastor tells of a mission tour to the Far East. While in Hong Kong, he observed a hungry little girl outside a bakery window. She had fallen asleep with her face pressed against the window that separated her from the fresh bread inside. He took slides of that scene. When sharing his slide more

  • So When That Adversary Learned Of The New Guy On ...

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 20, 2010

    So when that Adversary learned of the new guy on the Jordan, whom John had baptized amid some sort of theophany, he did his own research. All these human messiahs had come and gone with a few carefully- placed temptation. Even the great King David had succumbed to a foreign woman bathing next more

  • A Friend Of Mine Remembers Very Clearly The Time ...  PRO

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Apr 22, 2001
    based on 128 ratings

    A friend of mine remembers very clearly the time he gave his two-year-old son, Steve, his very first responsibility. He told Steve to watch Susan, his baby sister, while he stepped out of the room. He had only been gone a few moments when he heard a thump, & then Susan started crying. He rushed more

  • One Of The More Touching Scenes In The Chronicles ...

    Contributed by Glenn Teal on Dec 10, 2005

    One of the more touching scenes in the Chronicles of Narnia the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe comes near the end after Edmund has fallen under the spell of evil. He has become obsessed with Turkish Delight to the point where he betrays his own brother and sisters. Once Aslan has forgiven him – more

  • In 1963…65 Percent Of Americans Said They ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 12, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    “In 1963…65 percent of Americans said they believed in the absolute truth of all words in the Bible. Within 15 years, by 1978, the proportion of the population holding this belief had declined to 38 percent. The current figure of 32 percent represents a new low in literal belief in the Bible” (PRRC more

  • Episcopal Turmoil: A Growing Number Of American ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 20, 2006

    Episcopal Turmoil: A growing number of American Episcopal churches are leaving the Episcopal Church U.S.A. and aligning themselves with the Anglican Church of Uganda. The rupture occurred over the Church’s decision last year to permit the blessing of same-sex unions and to consecrate an openly gay more

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