Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 14, 2007
Jewelry To Die For People hoping to remember deceased loved ones with something more permanent than a lock of hair or faded photo can now have a piece of their DNA. For $428 a Tokyo firm provides a DNA more
Contributed by Bill Butsko on May 9, 2009
“I Will Die – Let My Baby Live!”
I knew him as a brilliant young member of a noted family. He was studying in one of the great universities. His physical development was well-nigh perfect. Tall, broad-shouldered, brawny, graceful in bearing and quick in movement, he was soon well-known as an more
Christian Church
One day I received a call from a distraught family who wanted a minister to do a quick funeral. I say “quick” because they asked me to speak for only a few minutes. “We don’t want anything religious,” the son told me, “and nothing you do will be too short.” I asked him why it was so important for more