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In Sermon Illustrations: "Dead To Sin"

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  • Are You ...

    Contributed by Larry Wilson on Jul 30, 2010

    Are you crazy? When viewed from an earthly perspective, the man seems crazy. If we were as close to God as Ezra, it would be seen that his world was crazy. Crazy to think that one could defy God’s laws and yet escape God’s judgment! Indeed, the one pulling his hair out was one of the few sane more

  • A Friend Of Mine Told Me A Story About Her ...

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Aug 13, 2010

    A friend of mine told me a story about her grandson. He was behind some kind of signboard on the playground doing something he wasn't suppossed to be doing. His teacher came and of course he was in trouble. In a discussion with his grandmother, of course he noted that "His teacher couldn't see what more

  • In 2009 Picher Oklahoma Closed It’s ...

    Contributed by David Rumley on Aug 19, 2010

    In 2009 Picher Oklahoma closed it’s doors… the entire city closed, evacuated, and shut down. Once it was a town of 20,000 people… in the first quarter of 1900’s it was a boomtown and had abundant lead and zinc. The Picher area became the most productive lead-zinc mining field in the Tri-State more

  • Defensive Striving

    Contributed by Todd Catteau on Oct 27, 2010

    DEFENSIVE STRIVING There's a term in driver's education - Defensive Driving. Driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others. Its aim is to reduce the risk of driving by anticipating dangerous situations, despite adverse conditions or the more

  • Ravi Zacharias: A Lecherous Heart

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 27, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    RAVI ZACHARIAS: A LECHEROUS HEART One of the most powerful stories I have ever heard on the nature of the human heart is told by Malcolm Muggeridge. Working as a journalist in India, he left his residence one evening to go to a nearby river for a swim. As he entered the water, across the river he more

  • The Lecherous Heart

    Contributed by Bret Toman on Jan 4, 2011

    THE LECHEROUS HEART Malcolm Muggeridge, the famous British philosopher and journalist who converted to Christianity late in life, once told the story of when he was working in India as a young man. One evening, he went down to the river for a swim. As he entered the water, he saw across the more

  • Don't Hurt Yourself

    Contributed by Bret Toman on Jan 4, 2011

    James McDonald has a couple of sayings I like: "Choose to sin, choose to suffer." "When God says more

  • Frederick And The Confession

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 18, 2011

    FREDERICK AND THE CONFESSION Truth is we can't please God, that is, not on our terms. Nor does it do any good to try and hide our sin. Like Isaiah, we can only be used by God when we're willing to admit, "I am a person of unclean lips." It reminds me of the story of KING FREDERICK II, an more

  • Deceiving Ourselves: The Pentium Cover-Up  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 18, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    DECEIVING OURSELVES: THE PENTIUM COVER-UP Intel learned that its Pentium processing chip had a flaw. The chip would occasionally give wrong answers for division problems using large numbers. Intel believed this was a minor flaw, something they felt would affect the average user once every more

  • There's An App For That

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Feb 10, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT So is your sin and guilt getting the better of you? Well, now "There’s an app for that." CBS News reports (February 9, 2011) a new application for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch called the "Confession Booth app. All you do is confess to your iPhone! It sells for $1.99 more

  • The Big Lie And Decoder Rings

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Mar 9, 2011

    THE BIG LIE AND DECODER RINGS Here's the "Big Lie": You can sin and not die. We hear it all the time. The world trivializes sin. Much of the church trivializes sin. I have heard some pretty elaborate theories on how to sin and get away with it. Have you heard the one that God looks through more

  • The Lion King: Jesus' Church

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Mar 14, 2011

    THE LION KING: JESUS' CHURCH Disney's movie "The Lion King" features a young lion named Simba who is destined to rule the jungle but finds himself "on the outs." As the story opens, his father takes him to "Pride Rock" (the equivalent of a throne) and shows him his inheritance ... he would rule as more

  • There Will Always Be Weeds

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 17, 2011

    THERE WILL ALWAYS BE WEEDS Jesus described another kind of soil which is filled with weeds and thistles and torpedo grass and other kinds of things. When Giovanna and I moved into our house, it had been vacant for a year. It’s built in an old flood plain of Lake Pontchartrain, which means that more

  • Tancho And The Bell

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 21, 2011

    TANCHO AND THE BELL The Emperor Charlemagne wanted to have a magnificent bell cast for the church he had built. An artist named Tancho was employed by the church to make it. He was furnished, at his own request, with a great quantity of copper, and a hundred pounds of silver for the purpose. He more

  • Backsliding Is Miserable

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Apr 13, 2011

    BACKSLIDING IS MISERABLE It is a miserable thing to be a backslider. Of all unhappy things that can befall a man, I suppose "backsliding" is the worst. A stranded ship, a broken-winged eagle, a garden overrun with weeds, a harp without strings, a church in ruins--all these are sad sights. But a more

  • Never, Never Be Late  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 17, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    NEVER, NEVER BE LATE A local priest was being honored at his retirement dinner after 25 years in the parish. A leading local politician and member of the congregation was chosen to make the presentation and to give a little speech at the dinner. However, he was delayed so the priest decided to say more

  • Stop Or Slow Down  PRO

    Contributed by Akinsanya Adubi on May 6, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    STOP OR SLOW DOWN Pastor John Hagee told us a story of a driver that refused to stop at a STOP sign; he was then pulled over by a cop. The cop told him that the reason he pulled him over was because he refused to stop at a STOP sign. He replied that he slowed down, the cop then explain to him that more

  • One Rascal Among Honest Men

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    ONE RASCAL AMONG HONEST MEN A king visited a slave ship, and there was a slave galley where they chain men to the oars and they row and a man beats the drum and another man has a lash to make them row. And they would take the prisoners of the state and put them to use, pulling on the oars. The more

  • Just As I Am Without One Plea

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 6, 2011

    JUST AS I AM WITHOUT ONE PLEA Charlotte Elliot came to Caesar Milan and asked how she could become a Christian. The old man replied, "My dear, it is very simple. You have only to come to Jesus." And she said to him, "But I am a very great sinner, will He take me just as I am?" "Yes, He will more

  • What's Wrong With The World?

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jun 6, 2011

    WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WORLD? When asked what was wrong with the world, renowned Catholic more

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