Contributed by David Simpson on May 24, 2018
Needless to say, protecting our freedom has come at a great cost. President Franklin Roosevelt said: “Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.”
Our Lord Jesus Christ knew that we all have trouble remembering things, even important more
Christian Church
Contributed by David Simpson on Apr 17, 2018
Growth is a natural part of growing up! The Lord wants us to grow up…to feed on Him and get growing!
Ephesians 4:15 "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ."
Col. 1:10 "And we pray this in order that you may live a life more
Christian Church
Contributed by David Simpson on Apr 16, 2018
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It’s ironic that this year Easter falls on April Fools day. Have you ever fallen for an April Fools joke or prank? I know as a kid there was always some classmate pulling a prank on someone, with the rest of us in on it and watching that poor soul make a fool of themselves by believing the prank. more
Christian Church
Contributed by David Simpson on Feb 19, 2018
After the horrific school shooting in Broward County, Florida on February 14, 2018, several prayer vigils were held in the community. The vigil on Thursday evening ended with a request for everyone to write one specific act of good that they would perform in the coming days and weeks as a way to more
Christian Church
Contributed by David Simpson on Feb 5, 2018
Make This Muddled World A Better Place
January 24, 2018
Lanier Christian Church
David Simpson
The Academy Award Nominations came out yesterday. Of the movies nominated, one of them is about famous British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, entitled: Darkest Hour. Churchill left us with many more
Christian Church
Contributed by David Simpson on Jan 30, 2018
Dr. John Geddie, a Presbyterian missionary, went to Aneityum, an island in the South Pacific in 1848 and worked there for God for 24 years. On a tablet erected to his memory in the church where he preached, these words are inscribed:
When he landed, in 1848, there were no Christians. When he more
Christian Church
Contributed by David Simpson on Jan 30, 2018
based on 1 rating
When we are out of control, God is in control. But, God is not selfish. He may desire to use you to help others, even to stop your own life from spinning out of control. Are you a victim or a volunteer? Would you be willing to say as did, Isaiah, "Here am I Lord, send me," (Isaiah 6:8) or would more
Christian Church
Contributed by David Simpson on Dec 19, 2014
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There are a lot of symbols at the Christmas season. All represent something. Santa Claus, mistletoe, wreaths, candles, etc. I’ve always admired the beauty of poinsettias, and decided to do a little research on them. You may know that they were named after Joel Poinsett, who happened to be the more
Christian Church