Sermon Illustrations


It doesn't take much for me to believe in our great God. Just this past Friday morning...about 5:30am....I went outside to walk our dog and couldn't help but notice the stars in the sky. They were brilliant.

I looked up at the constellation Orion and saw what is actually the 6th brightest star in the night sky...RIGEL. (RY-JUL) It is 117,000 times brighter than our sun. It is 74 times bigger than our sun and it is at least 860 light years away from us! Is that not mind boggling?

Now a light year is the distance that light travels in a year - which is just under 6 trillion miles. The light I saw from that star left that star sometime before Columbus discovered America!

God - YOU are a Great God! You are creator!

O God, you who have done great things. Who, O God, is like you?? - Psalm 71:19

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