Sermon Illustrations


JACK ECKERD founded the chain of drug stores that bear his name. Eckerd gave his employees Eckerd's shares from his personal stock. By taking advantage of the stock option program offered by Eckerd, his employees benefitted financially in the success of the new company. Mr. Eckerd sent a letter to his employees expressing the hope that they would feel a moral obligation to give 10 percent of what they gained through their stock options to their church, charity, or to help someone else. Eckerd himself gave huge sums of money to missions and charitable causes.

Not long after becoming a Christian, Eckerd walked through one of his stores and noticed pornographic magazines in the magazine racks. Although retired, Eckerd called the company president and urged him to get rid of the magazines. Management demurred, citing the substantial profits they stood to lose. Eckerd used his power as the largest stockholder, and his wishes prevailed. Pornographic materials were removed from all 1,700 stores, Questioned as to why he took such a stand, Eckerd said, "God wouldn't let me off the hook." Mr. Eckerd made a decision to walk with God.

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