Sermon Illustrations


Statistics show astronomical growth in sexual permissiveness and its attendant social problems in America since the sexual revolution of the 1960’s.

Couples Living Together:


2000 5,500,000

1997 4,000,000

1995 3,700,000

1990 2,856,000

1980 1,589,000

1970 523,000

1960 439,000

(1 ) sex before marriage, a rate increase of 25,000% since 1960

(2) In 1960’s, one in 50 teens had a STD. Now over 1 in 4 do. That's an increase of

more than 1250% of infected teens.

(3) Sexually active girls are 2 times more likely to commit suicide than abstinent


(4) Sexually active boys are 7 times more likely

to commit suicide than abstinent boys

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