Sermon Illustrations


These are the words of a bloke who grew up in the Salvation Army, "The year 1950 found us, my wife and I and three small children, living in our new bungalow in the seaside city of Timaru. Success had come in business and academic life, musical compositions were being published and the corps band under my leadership was growing in numbers, morale and musicianship. But my heart was cold. Sins unconfessed remained unforgiven. With every year, stubborn disobedience pride became more strongly entrenched. Then broke the morning when I blurted out to my wife: ‘You know what’s really wrong with me – I desperately need to get right with God.’ That evening, the 5th of June at five o’clock, as a man of over thirty years of age, and for the first time in my life, I knew the wonder and glory of the forgiveness of sins." (This was their call; pg6)

This man whose name was Dean went on to become a Salvation Army Commissioner, and Sir Dean Goffin, another who responded whose life was a blessing to many.

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