Trojan Horse! It Appears Innocent Enough, But It ...
Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Aug 14, 2010 (message contributor)
TROJAN HORSE! It appears innocent enough, but it is a harmful piece of software that looks legitimate. It tricks people into loading the wrong things into their systems. It gives a hacker access to cause damage. Unless you have a good ANTIVIRUS PROGRAMME, you will get infected and your whole computer may crash! I should know. A few days without our computer to CLEAN OUT the whole system. Nothing too serious this time. More PRECAUTIONS needed though, and a much better VIRUS DETECTOR. It COST us something! On SCANNING, once again we are SAFE.
Genesis 20 in my Bible teaches me THAT BELIEVERS HAVE TROJAN HORSES. I knew that already from other parts of the Bible. Satan is the original HACKER and Adam and Eve fell for the Trojan Horse, installing unwanted data into the system. Right from the beginning the Bible doesn't hide the truth about its STARS OF THE FAITH who were infected. NOAH gets drunk and exposes himself (Genesis 9:20-23), LOT, a believer, gets drunk and commits incest (Genesis 19:33-36). MOSES murders an Egyptian (Exodus 2:12), DAVID commits adultery with Bathsheba and murders Uriah, her husband (2 Samuel 11). ANANIAS AND SAPHIRA lie (Acts 5:1-11). And here ABRAHAM also lies about his wife (Genesis 20:2).
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