Sermon Illustrations
  • At The Bottom Of Many Of His Musical Manuscripts, ...

    Contributed by Bobby Mcdaniel on Apr 17, 2010 (message contributor)

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At the bottom of many of his musical manuscripts, the great organist and composer Johann Sebastian Bach often wrote the letters "INDNJC." Those letters stood for "In Nomine Domini Nostri Jesu Christi" — in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

INDNJC. They did not appear on Bach's manuscripts by accident or without purpose. He put those letters there for a reason. Considered a genius in the field of music, Bach recognized the one true Genius. Known for his extraordinary talent, Bach realized the source of all human talent. Praised for his musical gifts, Bach was aware of the primary giver of all gifts. He could affirm with the New Testament writer James that "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above." So at the bottom of his manuscripts he wrote INDNJC.

Most of us will never compose a Bach-like musical manuscript (or any type of musical manuscript for that matter). But each day of our lives we do compose "living" manuscripts of sorts. Each day we have opportunities to use God-given time, talents, skills, and gifts as we write the notes that collectively compose the songs others "hear" when they listen to us.

Each day we make music with our lives — composing and performing the measures, verses, and stanzas that combine to form a "living symphony" of who we are and what we are about. (Robert Baker –

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