Mind ...
Contributed by Donnie Martin on Aug 7, 2009 (message contributor)
Mind Reader?
The Guardian, a British daily newspaper, reported on February 9, 2007 that a team of scientists has determined that reading brain waves can reveal a person’s intentions. Literally, if this report is true, science has determined a way to read the mind and determine what you intend to do or want to do before you even do it.
Of course, we knew this could be done. Jesus did it long ago, for the Bible states that he read the intentions of people or he knew what they were thinking. Read Luke 5:22; Luke 6:8; John 2:25; John 21:17. Read also Psalm 44:21. The Lord knows what we are thinking each moment of each day. And, He further knows that what we think about is what we will become. Our thoughts are the seeds of our actions.
If God read our minds today, would he find wholesome thoughts there or thoughts engendered by the world. If you open your mind to the wrong things, you will become what you allow inside. It doesn’t take a mind reader to figure that out!
Dr. J. Mike Minnix, Editor, pastorlife.com.
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