Sermon Illustrations


I once heard a story about Camelot when King Arthur was away. Guinevere, his wife, was unfaithful with Sir Lancelot. When King Arthur returned, he found out about the affair and had his wife placed in a convent for life. Towards the end of the story in a beautiful scene, he goes down to the convent and visits her, trying to make everything all right. In the closing lines of that scene he says, "Lo, I forgive thee even as the eternal God forgives." Then he turns and walks away.

But that's not how the eternal God forgives! He doesn't leave you in the convent! He doesn’t leave you in your circumstance. Had he forgiven his wife the way God forgives he would have said, "Honey I forgive you, get your bags, the kids and I want you back. You're coming home with us! You're still my queen and you're going to ascend the throne again." God forgives without conditions.

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