Sermon Illustrations


Are we thinking kind thoughts? What about when we lose the game? Have you learned that there are things happening right now that are preparing us to fulfill visions, dreams and purpose that our God has planned for our lives? Someone needs you to reach out of your box and help!

Did you hear about Sara Tucholsky? Sara Tucholsky played softball for Western Oregon University. Western Oregon University was playing their rival team Central Oregon University. Central Oregon University had a star first base player named Mallory Holtman. Mallory Holtman had many accomplishments while playing for Central. Mallory was the career home run leader in the Great Northwest Athletic Conference.

In the game, Central Oregon University had the lead over Western Oregon in the last inning. Western rallied and had two players on base when Sara Tuchlowsky stepped up to bat. The first pitch was strike one. On the second pitch, Sara swung with all her might and hit her very first career home run.

Sara started running the bases and was celebrating. She rounded first base and headed toward second, when she noticed that she had not tagged first base. Sara turned around and returned to first base, but she twisted her leg as she turned and seriously injured her knee. The pain was so terrible, Sara crawled back to first base. She realized she could not make it to home.

The umpires told the coaching staff if they touched Sara, she would be disqualified and called out. If the coach called time and used a pinch runner, the run would be reduced to a single, and the run wouldn’t count.

Mallory Holtman, the opposing teams first base player and the home run queen, stepped to the umpire and asked permission for some of her teammates could carry Sara around the bases. The umpire said there was nothing in the rule books against that. So Mallory and one of her team members, the shortstop Liz Wallace, got under Sara’s arms, picked her up and carried her. They stopped at first base and allowed Sara to touch the base with her good leg. The three girls headed around the bases, stopping at each one to allow Sara to touch the base with the good leg.

When Mallory got Sara to home plate, she said, "You deserve it! You hit the ball over the fence!"

Central Oregon lost the game to Western Oregon that day. Central was eliminated from the tournament. But three young women learned a great lesson about life. The crowd wildly cheered as the Home Run Queen carried her opponent around the bases for her first career home run.

Softball games are much like real life. WE CAN demonstrate kindness, compassion, and sympathy, even if we lose the game.

(Source: from a sermon by Wade Hughes, Sr. "Reassurance: God’s Gift!" 7/28/08, #2Reassurance:God’s gift! by Wade Hughes, Sr)

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