Sermon Illustrations


Some early settlers were traveling together across the western prairies of the United States. One day they were horrified to see a fire fanned by strong wind coming their way.

As the flames raced closer and closer one man, to the amazement of the others, set fire to a large patch of grass downwind. The tinder-dry grass burned quickly and left behind a charred and barren area. Then he told them to move onto the burned-over place. They watched as the fire swept toward them until it reached the burned area-and then stopped! They were safe as the fire passed by them on both sides.

The fires of God's judgment will descend on a wicked world, but God has provided a burned-over place. At Calvary, the fire of God's justice was met by Jesus. He bore our sin there and fully paid for our transgressions.

(SOURCE: from a sermon by Dennis Davidson, "Punished for You and Me" 7/14/08,

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