Sermon Illustrations


According to a 12/07 Gallup poll, 84% of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in their personal life at this time, while 14% are dissatisfied. This ratio has been fairly stable since 1979. The poll asks respondents to choose "very happy," "fairly happy," or "not too happy." 52% chose the very happy option, and 40% fairly happy. Just 6% are not too happy at this time. 66% of married adults are satisfied with their personal lives vs. just 45% of unmarried adults. In terms of personal happiness, 59% of married adults are very happy, compared with 41% of unmarrieds. At least 6 in 10 Americans who attend church services every week are very satisfied with their personal lives and are very happy. The percentages are lower among those who attend services less often or not at all.

(Source: Gallup, 12/31/07)

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