Sermon Illustrations

James Bradley, who wrote "Flags of Our Fathers," described America as it responded to the necessary sacrifices that World War II brought the nation. In fact, it ushered her into a greatness that caused that generation to be defined as "The Greatest Generation." He wrote:

"During World War II, the entire nation seemed overnight to have snapped out of its Depression-era lethargy. Everyone scrambled to be of help. Rubber was needed for the war effort, along with gasoline and metal. A women’s basketball game at Northwestern University was stopped so that the referee and all ten players could scour the floor for a lost bobby pin. Americans pitched in to support strict rationing programs, and their boys turned out as volunteers in various collection "drives." Soon butter and milk were restricted along with canned goods and meat. Shoes became scarce, and paper, and silk. People grew "victory gardens" and drove at the gas-saving "victory speed" of thirty-five miles an hour. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!" became a popular slogan. Air-raid sirens and blackouts were scrupulously obeyed. America sacrificed.

(SOURCE: Philip Harrelson,, "Trading the Superficial for the Substantial, 6/30/08, quoted from James Bradley, "Flags of Our Fathers," p. 62)

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