Sermon Illustrations

A Pew Research Center survey reports 56% of Americans say mothers are doing a worse job today than they did 20 or 30 years ago. Full-time work outside the home has lost some of its appeal to mothers, for both those who have such jobs and those who don't. Among working mothers with children 17 and under, 21% say full-time work is the ideal situation for them, down from the 32% in '97. 60% (up from 48% in '97) of today's working moms say part-time work would be their ideal, and 19% say they would prefer not working at all outside the home. In '70, women contributed a median of 27% to their families' income, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In '04, the most recent data available, it had jumped to about 35%. The percentage of wives who earn more than their husbands has climbed from 17.8% in families where both spouses work to 25% in '04. About 70% of women with children under 18 are in the labor force. (USA Today 10/3/07)

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