Sermon Illustrations

Joy of Christ Forgiveness: A member of a major non-Christian religion said to a missionary to India, "Tell me one thing your religion can offer the people of India that mine can’t." The missionary thought for a moment and replied, "Forgiveness! Forgiveness!"

Unlike the followers of all other world religions, those who put their hope in Christ have full assurance that their sins are forgiven.

British Bible teacher David Pawson says, "I have talked to devout Muslims who pray five times a day, have journeyed to Mecca, have fasted during Ramadan, and are more devout than many Christians. But when I ask, ’Do you know if your sins are forgiven?’ they’ve said, ’We don’t. We just have to hope for the best.’

The Christian who daily enjoys the reality of God’s presence in his life is one who daily subjects himself to examination whereby he might make sure that his walk before the Lord is blameless.

(From Dave McFadden’s Sermon: “Persisting in His Presence”)

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