Sermon Illustrations


A young girl once consulted with her minister. "I cannot stick it out any longer. I am the only Christian in the factory where I work. I get nothing but taunts and sneers. It is more than I can stand. I am going to resign."

"Will you tell me," asked the minister, "where lights are placed?"

"What has that to do with it?" the young Christian asked him rather bluntly.

"Never mind," the minister replied. "Answer my question: Where are lights placed?"

"I suppose in dark places," she replied.

"Yes, and that is why you have been put in that factory where there is such spiritual darkness and where there is no other Christian to shine for the Lord."

The young Christian realized for the first time the opportunity that was hers. She felt she could not fail God by allowing her light to go out. She went back to the factory with renewed determination to let her light shine in that dark corner. Before long, she was the means of leading nine other girls to the Light.

(From Darren Rogers' Sermon: Keep the Light Burning)

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