A Little Faith Will Take You To Heaven, But I ... PRO
Contributed by Howell Williams on Mar 12, 2007 (message contributor)
"A little faith will take you to heaven, but I pray for the kind of faith that will bring...
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The Bridal Cup PRO
Contributed by Brian La Croix on Feb 16, 2007
Listen to this insight from Dr. Ray Vander Laan: In the first century, when a young Jewish man reached marrying age and his family selected an appropriate wife for him, the young man and his father would meet the young woman and her father to negotiate the “bride price,” the figurative cost of ...read more
Robert E. Coleman Writes That He Once "Heard A ... PRO
Contributed by Raymond Petzholt on Oct 17, 2005
Robert E. Coleman writes that he once “heard a missionary tell about a boy who appeared at a mission hospital in Kenya with a gaping wound in his foot. He had been accidentally injured while cutting grass far out in the jungle. Part of his heel was cut off. Without waiting to inform anyone of the ...read more
The Blood Of Jesus Christ Cleanses All Sin
Contributed by Raymond Petzholt on Oct 17, 2005
How is it possible that the blood of Jesus Christ has such power to redeem and cleanse us from all sin? This is possible because of who Jesus is and what He did when He died on the Cross. First, Jesus was, is and always will be, absolutely sinless in thought word and deed. Secondly, Jesus ...read more
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The Three Little Pigs: A Short Devotional Thought.
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