The Story Is Told Of A Former World Chess ... PRO
Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on May 17, 2001 (message contributor)
The story is told of a former world chess champion player who was taken by a friend to see a picture which had been hung in a famous art gallery, and which had attracted much interest. The artist had portrayed a young man sitting despairingly at a chessboard, while opposite him sat the devil with a look of malicious triumph on his face. The title of the picture was a single expressive word: "Checkmated". For a long time the champion player stood before the picture, his brow furrowed by concentration. Suddenly his voice rang out in the art gallery: "Bring me a chessboard. I can save him yet!" Sure enough, the mastermind had discovered...
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An American Missionary Was Traveling Across Korea ... PRO
Contributed by George Rennau on Aug 25, 2003
An American missionary was traveling across Korea by train. At a busy station an old man boarded and sat across from Him. The man was Korean and he addressed the American in his native tongue. The Missionary responded in the only Korean phrase that he knew which was "I DON’T UNDERSTAND". A ...read more
The Command Came, "On Your Mark, Get Set," And ... PRO
Contributed by Tim Richards on Dec 1, 2004
The command came, "On your mark, get set," and then the pistol cracked and the race was on. A fine athlete sprang to the lead, and when the race was over he had broke the state record. Only a few other runners even finished the race. Many dropped out when they saw they could not win. As the field ...read more
The Bible Tells The Story Of Absalom. He Was ... PRO
Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Aug 28, 2005
The Bible tells the story of Absalom. He was the son of King David — Israel’s greatest king. Through a series of circumstances, Absalom began to despise his father and made plans to become king in his father’s place. He surreptitiously sowed seeds of division and rebellion in his father’s ...read more
There Is An Enlightening Japanese Legend Of A ...
Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 7, 2005
There is an enlightening Japanese legend of a stonecutter named Hasnu. While carving a stone one day he grew miserably weary, and in his weariness began to wish for easier work, and more money. Seeing the king ride by on his horse, he thought he would like to be king. At once his wish was ...read more
Jim Cymbala Discusses The Importance Of Prayer In ... PRO
Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 16, 2005
Jim Cymbala discusses the importance of prayer in his new book Break Through Prayer: He states, "Everywhere I travel, I keep hearing the defensive teaching that fervent prayer, heartfelt prayer is really overrated and not necessary today. Since God is love, some people reason, we just have to ...read more
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