Sermon Illustrations

*King Duncan tells the story that reminds us of the power of this hope. This happened in 1993, to a man named Terry Stout. Terry was the business manager for the Psychiatry Department at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.

*One Fall morning Terry was running a little late, but (I’m sure led by the Lord) he passed up his regular slot in the parking deck. Terry decided to drive to the top floor of the parking garage so that he could look at the sky and enjoy the day for a moment or two, but when he got out of the car he saw a woman.

*She was standing on a narrow beam that stuck out from the roof of the parking deck. There was only about 2 inches of steel keeping her from falling to the pavement nine floors below. Terry quietly set down his bag and walked over to her. He asked her if he could help.

*She told him she wanted to be with Jesus. She said she was confused and had committed sins and never did anything right. Terry listened to her, and he talked to her about God’s forgiveness, and the possibility of enjoying peace and happiness, if she put her faith in God.

*As they talked, a crowd began to gather, and among the newcomers was a psychiatrist, who joined Terry in speaking quietly with the girl. But the doctor’s approach was psychiatric, and the girl wanted to talk about God, so Terry did most of the talking. He offered her a pin he was wearing. It had the words "There’s Hope" on it, and it was a gift from him to her. He told her that Jesus would help fix her troubles and that they would pray together if she returned to the roof. And she did.

*That’s the power of hope. That is the power of the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

*From a story by Celestine Sibley, Wednesday, October 13, 1993; Contributed by Billy C. Foster, Jonesboro, GA - Source: sermon: Advice for Soldiers at the Front, King Duncan, Ephesians 6:10-20

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