Sermon Illustrations

Diverse Methods Of Worship are also on the rise. New Ellison Research data reports U.S. Protestant churches worship in a more contemporary manner than 5 years ago. Over the past 5 years 44% report no significant change, 15% have moved in much more contemporary direction, while another 36% have become a little more contemporary. Only 5% have become more traditional. Pentecostal churches were more than twice as likely to be more contemporary (31% to 12%). Use of electronic media (Power Point, video clips, music videos, etc) has risen dramatically in the last 5 years (5% vs. 36%). The use of praise and worship choruses during services rose from 38% in ‘99 to 74% today. Use of drama, skits or sketches jumped from 23% to 42 %. Unchanged is the length of the pastor’s sermon…about 31 minutes on average. Pentecostals about 40 minutes while Lutherans and Methodists preach only 20 minutes. (PWB 3/20/04)

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