Pentecost Sermon Kit

Sermon Illustrations

Fortune Magazine has cited the creation of the paperback book as the leading product of the century in communications. However, they incorrectly credit a Britt by the name of Allen Lane as its inventor in 1935. Dwight L. Moody had already been publishing Christian paperback books for at least 5 years by then. (The Foster Network)

Younger Children 800% More Likely To Receive Christ Barna Research reports teens between ages 14 and 18 have only a 4% likelihood of accepting Christ compared to kids ages 5 through 13 who have a 32% probability. This challenges the widely held notion that the teen-age years are a prime time for evangel-ism. This should prompt churches to reconsider child-ren and youth ministry priorities and strategies. Children and adolescents are most impacted evangel-istically by family members, peers and their youth groups. (PWB 11/25/99, The Gazette 11/20/99)

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