When I Was In College In Watertown, I Worked At ...
Contributed by Eric Vertein on Apr 28, 2005 (message contributor)
When I was in college in Watertown, I worked at Bethesda Lutheran Home, a home for the ‘developmentally disabled.’ I worked the night shift and went to school during the day. One winter morning when I got off from work, I hopped in the car, turned the key and… click… nothing. It wouldn’t turn over or anything. I had a local mechanic tow the car to his shop. Later in the afternoon he called me and told me that the engine block had cracked on me. He said that it would be an expensive repair, or if I was willing, he would buy the car off of me for a couple hundred dollars. I didn’t know what to do. I told him that I would call him back. I called my dad and asked his opinion. Well, Dad asked me, “Was there oil on the ground around the car?” Since it was winter and there had been snow on the ground, I would have noticed if there had been oil. “No,” I said. Right away my dad thought something was fishy. If the engine block really had cracked, there should have been oil on the ground. We had the car towed to a garage that my father trusted and asked for a second opinion. You know what the problem was? Just the starter was broken. The repair cost was only around a hundred dollars, as compared to putting in a whole new engine or selling the car.
It’s good to get a second opinion, when the stakes are high. How about getting a second opinion when it comes to your soul?
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