Sermon Illustrations

I can remember one Saturday afternoon in the 60’s as I was outside with the push mower cutting the grass for my father when two men carrying a box down our driveway caught my attention. They sat it down outside the front door and unpacked our first color TV.

It had a beautiful solid wood cabinet and a 21” screen. I couldn’t believe my eyes, but here it was and my father was so proud. Before we could turn it on my dad went up on the roof with one of the delivery men to put up a new antenna, while the other man made the connections inside.

It didn’t take long and we had our first picture to adjust the color to. What we saw shocked us and held our attention for what seemed like hours. Even the delivery men kept their eyes on the screen.

There before us in full color, was the Watts riot. Less than 12 miles from where we were sitting the city was on fire. As we watched we saw homes and business’ burning to the ground, we saw fireman being shoot and lose their lives as they rushed in to put out the flames.

What a thing to remember about my first color TV.

Two weeks latter I was with my father as he drove through those streets where so many lost their lives and so many more, mostly innocents were still homeless or trying to recover what ever they could from the burned out shells that was left of their lives.

What I remember of those riots was the many reasons the media, politicians, and even residence gave for these chain of events that hurt so many. But it all boiled down to poverty.

A few young men and women of the thousands that lived there took it upon themselves to make known their rage to the City of Los Angles about the conditions they had to endure. And it all spiraled out of control faster than anyone could imagine.

They didn’t take into account the prayers of the faithful; they got tired of waiting for progress of the local officials working unceasingly to better their lot in life.

Six months later the media hailed the event as the catalyst, as the City poured money into the area and new construction was in full swing.

Not mentioned were the innocent residents who got caught in the crossfire. Families now without a father or a mother, kids orphaned, people permanently crippled, families financially ruined. What about the heroes in uniform hurt or even killed trying to protect?

What happened was these people got impatient and took upon themselves what God had in the works.

To many times we empower ourselves into action. We let the deceiver tell us that we can handle it, we puff up our chests and march out to change the world on our terms. And than it all spirals out of control and many times people not involved get hurt.

We have to realize that the real power to conquer life’s hardships is with the Power of Christ’s name and prayer.

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