Sermon Illustrations

I received a phone call from a local newspaper reporter, asking for my opinion on Mel Gibson’s current film, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. As I began to share how deeply moved I was by the depictions of Christ’s sufferings in the movie, she turned to a personal question. She explained that she was not familiar with the story, and she asked if the story had a happy ending. I asked her to clarify: did she mean the film or the story itself. She meant the actual story.

I explained that the story had a very happy ending, the happiest of all endings of all stories, that Jesus was resurrected to life. And I couldn’t help but wonder: if this member of the journalistic community did not know the full story of Jesus, how many more in our world do not know it?

Perhaps the focus of this current film is not so much in asking "Have you seen it?" but rather "Has the story made its way into your heart and life?"

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