Sermon Illustrations

A man went fishing on the Susquehanna River, near Harrisburg, PA. in the spring time. The water was raging, so rather than rowing, he tied his boat to a tree and let the rope out so the boat could get offshore. The line untied from the tree and the boat was swept away, only to be dashed to pieces on a rock. Clinging to the wreckage the fisherman cried for help as he was being swept along. A passerby saw his plight and raced ahead to a small bridge. Lying down, the rescuer hung his arm over the side of the bridge and yelled, “grab my hand.” The fisherman, both arms wrapped around the wreckage, did not know if he trusted the unseen rescuer enough to let go. Fortunately, he let go with one arm and clutched the rescuer’s hand and was pulled to safety. A favorite song, "Unseen Hand", has a verse that goes "There is an unseen hand for me, that guides in ways I cannot see." So it is for the power of God’s unseen hand, if we would merely trust in Him.

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