Sermon Illustrations
  • Choosing Courage; Finding Peace  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 5, 2002 (message contributor)

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By Steve Goodier

"Do you know what my son James dreamed about last night?" a friend

asked me. "He dreamed about YOU," she went on.

"James told me this morning that in his dream he was being chased by

King Kong. Then he met you. I asked him if Mr. Goodier helped him. He

said, ’No! He was hiding in the bushes with me while the Boy Scouts

were beating King Kong with sticks.’"

Since I wasn’t much help, thank goodness for the Boy Scouts!

Are you courageous? For most people, courage has little to do with

fighting imaginary monsters in nighttime sleep. It has more to do with

fighting those monsters of real life that keep us up at night. Real

courage is always found in everyday living. In fact, it is the one

ingredient that, when present in a life, will ultimately bring peace.

Babe Didrikson Zaharias, the great golfer, died of cancer. Her husband

stood at her bedside weeping shortly before she passed on. Babe said

to him, "Now, Honey, don’t take on so. While I’ve been in he hospital,

I have learned one thing. A moment of happiness is a lifetime, and I

have had a lot of happiness. I have had a lot of it."

Babe found courage to meet two of life’s universal monsters -- fear of

death and fear of the...

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