Sermon Illustrations


The main idea in this poem is the contrast between Christians in places of persecution who are committed and real, and the many Christians of the West who are lax and non-committed, who are asleep. It is a shame this divide exists but it does. Where are the men and women who stand up for Christ bravely and further His work without encumbrances like we see in Islamic nations and Africa?

{{Romans 13:11-12 “This do, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to AWAKEN FROM SLEEP, for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. THE NIGHT IS ALMOST GONE AND THE DAY IS AT HAND. Let us therefore lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light.”}}

I wonder how many are interested in the plight of Christians outside our national borders. Some people are too parochial and can’t see beyond their fence. Don’t shoot the messenger here, but one of the criticisms in Australia against the United States is that many have no, or little idea what is happening in the world outside their own country. I have found this to be true also.

As Christians, we are obligated to know the plight of Christians in the world. Additionally, we ought to learn from these people for their testimony puts us to shame. I would suggest organisations like Voice of the Martyrs and others would be beneficial in education slack Christians.

But then again, how would people who are themselves inattentive to the Saviour be interested in suffering Christians they do not know? In Paul’s day they cared for others; they supported others – {{Romans 15:26-28 “for Macedonia and Achaia have been PLEASED TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION FOR THE POOR AMONG THE SAINTS IN JERUSALEM. Yes, they were pleased to do so, and they are indebted to them for if the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual things, THEY ARE INDEBTED TO MINISTER TO THEM ALSO IN MATERIAL THINGS. Therefore, when I have finished this, and have put my seal on this fruit of theirs, I will go on by way of you to Spain.”}}

I hope the poem is meaningful for you. My new email address is as the other one will not work as the Mail Server was shut down.



The day may be short but the hours are long,

But soon the trial will decline into song.

The gloom of despair, and heartache’s black wall,

Will after an hour, collapse in free-fall.


Sustain Your people, O Lord, hour by hour.

Give them strength, and their fortitude empower,

For the fire of persecution rages,

As it has happened, right through the ages.


Christians in The Ukraine, China, Sudan,

The Islamic world, now Afghanistan –

These are embers in tribulation’s fire;

Your martyrs, with hope, to which they aspire.


By comparison, western Christians fail.

There is no commitment. They have gone stale.

They have no fortitude with worldliness;

Lukewarm, rich, careless, full of sloppiness.


The hour is now to wake up from your sleep,

For the church to deadness will further creep.

Where are committed soldiers for the Lord;

Where are those who’ll take the Spirit’s sword?


Very soon the Lord returns for His own.

Will you be worthy to stand at His throne?

Will you shrink back from His presence in shame,

Because here, you denied His precious Name?


12 March 2022 Ron Ferguson Metre = 10 throughout AABB

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