[028] A Message From A Poem – Be Not Conformed To The World
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Feb 15, 2025 (message contributor)
“If you don’t agree with us, you are not included.” “We will finance your new building but only if you add a night club.”
This world is absolutely full of compromise. It happens in relationships (sexual pressure on a woman), in business dealings, in positions and promotions, the bending of rules, or a job threat if you don’t falsify some documents.
I believe it is a lot more difficult these day to maintain an unblemished Christian testimony than it was some decades ago. Honesty has been cast aside as the world becomes more corrupt and Christians are hated as “go-gooders”. The world compromises all the time in non-declaration of income, business dealings, bribes and kickbacks, and Christians are expected to go along with this in their employment.
Sporting fixtures and competitions are on Sundays and that takes our young people out of church. Compromise is everywhere. It is even alive and well in churches. How many speakers will not proclaim the whole truth of God because it might offend some people in the church? One does not speak on sexual relations before marriage because he knows some in his church are doing it.
Compromise is closely related to conformity which is what the poem is about. Should Christians be conformed to the world? The word conformed means joined with a certain form of behaviour. Conformity always means setting aside some of your values and this is especially so with Christians.
I do not make light of the matter of conformity; nor do I speak down to young people these days. It is a most difficult area where too many people have shipwrecked their lives. Only God’s grace and strength can assist them. We need a strong faith and where does that come from? {{Romans 10:17 “Therefore faith comes from hearing, AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF CHRIST.”}} It really means faith comes from the scriptures. Those who are sturdily grounded in scripture have a strong faith.
What are the bible verses that speak about conformity? There are a number of them in the NASB in the New Testament but I will just give these.
{{Romans 12:1-2 “I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship, and DO NOT BE CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”}}
{{1Peter 1:14 “As obedient children, DO NOT BE CONFORMED TO THE FORMER LUSTS which were yours in your ignorance”}}
Most of the verses in the New Testament on conformity relate to being conformed to the image of Christ or similar concepts. I will quote just one – {{Philippians 3:10 “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, BEING CONFORMED TO HIS DEATH”}}
Hold me, precious Jesus; hold me ever tight.
I need Your guidance in all of this world’s night.
The way is set with snares and traps; sharpened teeth
That snap and tear; dear Lord, gird me underneath,
That I am not caught out or mangled at all,
But guided in my ways so I do not fall.
God’s immense power supersedes man’s sly schemes,
And He holds in His hand, the ones He redeems.
The world conforms each undiscerning person
In one gigantic program that will worsen.
Be not conformed to this present wicked age;
To godlessness, against which Christians engage
In mortal battle for the soul, for the Lord
Is the Commander with His conquering sword.
You who read, renew your mind and be transformed,
But to this sinful world, never be conformed.
Like the shroud of an early evening darkness,
Settles Satan’s gloom with a heavy coldness.
Conformity marches on unabated,
And leaves behind freedom, contaminated.
Stand true for the Lord and do not compromise.
Do not succumb to conformity’s vile lies.
Lying wonders through the world now are found.
As you are strong in Christ, so then hold your ground.
R E Ferguson 10 December 2020 11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11
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