Sermon Illustrations

Port Royal once situated on the island of Jamaica has been called “the richest and wickedest city in the world."

It was the natural rendezvous for most of the pirates of the Caribbean.

Liquor, women prostitutes, homosexual rendezvous, gambling, dope – every vice thrived in Port Royal “in greater extravagance than anywhere else in the world.” Perpetual brawls raged in the streets and the blood of murdered men flowed endlessly. Rape and theft were common place.

Then on June 7, 1692 two terrific earthquakes struck. With the second, the sea was driven back half a mile. The city was split open in a dozen places and into the crevasses toppled scores of screaming men, women, and children.

Choking sulfur fumes sifted through openings in the earth. Then as the sea returned, a wall of water swept into Port Royal, smashing ships, washing buildings from their foundations. Suddenly, and with a sullen roar, the whole city slipped slowly into the sea with most of its population.

To this day, one can go down to the site and look down through several fathoms of clear water and see some of the coral encrusted remains of Port Royal, “the wickedest city in the world.

The destruction of Port Royal is reminiscent of how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities of the plain. Did God really destroy Sodom with fire and brimstone because of their wickedness.

The Old Testament and New Testament taught it - there 49 references to Sodom in both testaments.

Moses taught it.

Jesus taught it.

Paul taught it.

The Early Church taught it.

The Apostles of the Church taught it.

It happened. And Jesus said that "as it was in the days of it shall be in the coming of the Son of Man." (Luke 17:28-30).

Those days are here. Get your bags packed!

- Dr. Larry Petton

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