Social Consequences Of Sin
Contributed by Martin Spoelstra on Oct 13, 2024 (message contributor)
Social consequences of sin. Jonathan Edwards in his book “The Nature Of True Virtue” lays out how sin destroys the social fabric. He argues that human society is deeply fragmented when anything, but God is our highest love. If our highest goal in life is the good of our family, then we will tend to care less for other families. If our highest goal is the good of our nation, tribe, or race, then we will tend to be racist or nationalistic. If our ultimate goal in life is our own individual happiness, then we will put our own economic and power interests ahead of those of others. Edwards concludes that only if God is our… ultimate good and life centre, will we find our heart drawn, not only to people of all families, races, and classes but to the whole world in general.
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