Sermon Illustrations


Those of us who are older know very well the great change that has come over our societies from what we lived under in the 1950s to the 1990s at which point it all started to decline. The decline is rapid now as we see lawlessness, riots, Islamic demonstrations of violence, and immoral people marching through the streets – homosexuals etc.

They say this is the ME generation and that is true. It is all about me; what I can get for myself, and begone the next fellow. It is quite sickening. Justice is flippant and righteousness is discarded.

More and more we have these arrogant people who have no regard for the truth. We know this is going to happen – {{2 Timothy 3:1-2 “Realise this, that in the last days difficult times will come, for men will be LOVERS OF SELF, lovers of money, boastful, ARROGANT, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,”}}

Some time before this poem I wrote one called “Truth Without Arrogance” which looked at Christian humility when we might have a greater knowledge of the bible. Here I reverse this and the reference is to the world, the non-Christian world.

{{2 Peter 2:17-18 “These are springs without water, and mists driven by a storm, for whom the black darkness has been reserved. Speaking out ARROGANT WORDS of vanity they entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality, those who barely escape from the ones who live in error.”}}

Arrogance comes in words and attitude. It MUST NOT BE NAMED AMONG CHRISTIANS. Here then is the poem –


“Don’t tell me what to do,” she barked at him.

“I will do what I want and what’s best for me.”

This arrogant attitude, “sink or swim,”

Is the prevailing attitude that we see.


“I am my king of my castle and yours as well.

I do what I want; care not about you.”

I know best! Understand that. Clear as a bell?

Shut your mouth; pack up and keep moving through.”


Arrogance goes hand in hand with selfishness.

It dismisses people and claims its own.

Its attitude to others is venomous,

As it dictates demands from its own throne.


The place of arrogance is clearly defined –

The public service, the rich, politics;

Often to those to whom power is assigned;

Godless people, subversive lunatics.


When truth is denied and the false is embraced,

All decency is trashed; violence matures,

Consideration in all forms, is debased.

Evil, more than goodness and right, endures.


Arrogance without truth is of the devil.

It bullies, dictates, demands and defames.

It will denounce those not on its own level,

And in the hounding of truth, it constrains.


In the last days we’re told men are arrogant,

Along with ruthless, high-minded and proud.

Their pursuit of godlessness – extravagant,

But in their minds, self-importance is allowed.


They love feelings of superiority.

Their own claims of pretention are baseless.

Their overbearance is their priority;

Lording it over others is boundless.


God has established truth as fundamental,

Because it is the quality of God.

About truth, one can’t be temperamental

As these men are, who over God, have trod.


The Christian must always seek humility;

The fruit of the Spirit in gentleness,

Serving others with godly ability,

And upholding the truth in gracefulness.


Arrogance without truth, reject it wholly.

It opposes all our Christian graces.

Deviate not, but follow the Lord solely,

Accepting before you, what He places.


22 August 2021 R E Ferguson 11-10-11-10 ABAB

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